
A few more bits & bobs from over the years that we didn’t want to keep from you.


Body Studio

Together with Mother Design we crafted the visual identity and tone of voice for Body Studio. A gym without the fads. (Enter pun about flexing creative muscles here)


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We’ve spent some time in the world of Healthcare advertising with the industry leaders at McCann Health. Working on many pitches, and also producing some award winning work for Janssen. Making healthcare professionals aware of PAH, a deadly disease which is easy to mistake for something less serious.

Winner of the Art Direction award @ the Creative Floor Healthcare awards 2021

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Save The Bees

The Environmental Justice Foundation needed to raise awareness for the fact that the bees are dying. Bees pollinate fruit, vegetables and all flowering plants, so if they die, we all die.

Bronze @ Creative Circle - Best Charity or Public Service poster.


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Thorpe Park

Thorpe Park were celebrating their 10th ‘Fright Nights’ birthday. They wanted to celebrate this with their social media following. We made a little film to try and make people fall off their chair or shit their pants. They did, and we filmed it without them knowing, muhahaha*. (*evil laugh)



Little Monsters

A set of 'Little Monster' bedsheets created for a Creature Halloween project, working in collaboration with six up and coming illustrators.

The project started off as a DM piece for Creature clients for Halloween, but we ended up doing a week long exhibition at Beach London too. The bedsheets were sold to the public, and lots of beer was consumed on the opening night.

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Tasked with getting kids to brush their teeth twice a day by writing some TVCs with kids dressed in dentist outfits, this seemed like a much more interesting solution.

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litan & Karma Nirvana

Bringing to attention the horrible stories of thousands of young women around the world who are being harmed or even killed in so called 'honour crimes'.

This poster was picked by the jury to be the main visual of the campaign to memorise #BritainsLostWomen. Published in Cosmopolitan magazine, projected on the Royal Opera House and presented to Nick Clegg.

Cosmopolitan made a video about the process here.